Week 21

Pensai a un mondo senza memoria, senza tempo; considerai la possibilità d’un linguaggio di verbi impersonali o di indeclinabili epiteti. Così andarono morendo i giorni e coi giorni gli anni, ma qualcosa simile alla felicità accadde una mattina. Piovve, con lentezza possente.

I imagined a world without memory, without time; I toyed with the possibility of a language that had no nouns, a language of impersonal verbs or indeclinable adjectives. In these reflections many days went by, and with the days, years. Until one morning, something very much like joy occurred – the sky rained slow, strong rain.

The Immortal, from The Aleph & Other Stories by Georges Luis Borges.

Jacopo in Berlin

Some things will never change. The massive breakfasts.

I have been here for barely a week, and someone is coming to visit already. I have to adapt to so many things.

Yes, you look pretty german like that.

Smelling the Zeitgeist. And today, it smells like a cupcake. Or Falafel, I’m not sure.

Someone is playing Nintendo in the picture above.

Dove c’è Barilla, c’è casa.