Week 52

Happy Easter! Massive brunch at Engels. 

Marilena even prepared the eggs to add the right Easter vibe to the scene.

Composition: waiting for the spring I deserve, oder (I’ll drink my-self to death).

Me enjoying my Easter holidays. Gone klubbing with the best KreuzNeukölln clubbing team ’till 7am + getting ready for an amazing day at a Spa. Wearing a bikini = health issue = life.  

Probably the best April’s fool of all time.

Me and my friend Marilena spent the entire day at a textilfrei spa in Ludwigsfelde. Like in the best adventures, we realized that everybody was naked only once we paid for a one way ticket to the biggest nudist hell I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Probably the worst place for us, hungover chicks, arriving from da city with our hoods and sunglasses. How pathetic. Anyway, I think that wandering around, from the saunas to those Easter(n) themed swimming pools, 100% naked, among hundreds of naked germans in their 70s, can be noted down as the most authentic german experience I’ve done so far. That bikini was only worn 20 minutes, aka until everybody was pointing at us and they said we had to leave, if we wanted to keep our swimming suits on. Rules and germans, you know. Looking back, this picture is quite accurate. 


Before leaving Ludwigsfelde, we agreed that this experience 1) taught us that there’s no age limit for genital piercings 2) will definitely give that missing touch of naturist openness to our cvs, and 3) that thanks to it, the sentence “I want to take our friendship a step further” has just gained a whole load of profound new meaning.