Week 60


Tegel 5 am. Hammock 10 am.

At my grandma’s ❤

Olimpia & Gaia. Keeping those teenagers busy.


Home is where the trees have eyes.  

My mum put those eyes there to keep my brother from climbing trees (epic branch break fail and consequent hospital).

Parenting: “The tree will watch you, now”. My brother is 14 and he’s still scared to death of trees. 

But hey, I’m home. This is gonna be bucolic. I used to hate the countryside. I used to hate to be cut off from everything. But today solitude is bliss, as some hipsters sing. Actually my sister’s here, but the rest of the family will come from Rome only tomorrow. And now: Ca’ del vento, countryside, Italy.

Nobody can see you if you lay hidden under this mega red poppies. 

Oh, there’s a pes in my garden. 

Night: Forlì. Back in time with Elona, Piero and Marco. Some things never change. 


 I observed my room. What was with all that pink? Jeez. 

Eew. Like impossible to take off.


Still proud of my golden bear, though.


Went to see the Low in Bologna. Me and Elona togedaaaa. uhuhu. Driving. Lowcore. 

Well you could always count on your friends to get you high. That’s right.


Holy food.  Everyone has arrived. If the previous pictures were bucolic, get ready for the following massive italian cliché. I had no idea we could be like this. I think we reached “level: maximum italian stereotype” this weekend. But it was a special occasion, so maybe it’s ok.

Sista + Leo + Dog.

My aunt and my uncle live in front of us. Note: we’re are not eating like this all the time. 

In my family, men are cooking.

Passatelli. Recipe? Here.

Homemade – homemade – everything is homemade. 

Spinach and ricotta ravioli.

Break before the dessert(s). I actually forgot to take a picture of the roast beef with potatoes, because I was to focused eating it.

Bingo bongo. You dog stay away.

The awkward cousin/siblings picture. Becoming one of my favorite moments. I think we’re getting better and better.

(And, I rule them all).

Ok. Food again.

Torta di riso. Quite long to make, but one of my favorite. Recipe? Here.

Le peschine all’alchermes! It’s not a fruit: this thing here is the most delicious biscuit EVER.  

Ice cream vanilla & caramel. Lick lick lick. 

Leo, grandpa, grandma. Respect all generations ☀

Still not satisfied, I wanted to eat at least one piadina before leaving. So, me and Elona drove to Faenza to eat it.

We found this first. 


This is where we found it. Drunk like this.


People going back to Rome. 

My sister staying in Imola. Me going back to Berlin. 

I actually like my nomadic family. 

Week 36

Christmas time: my least favorite of the year!
But I’m leaving Berlin knowing this super hot hot blonde babe might be moving here soon. Fingers crossed.

I usually never want to go home, but this time it was different. And I enjoyed it all.


Finally seeing mt BFF. Who doesn’t like pictures. Elona I love you.

Christmas time. Awkward Family Photos time.

Grandpa & Grandma

Il gioco dei pacchi ritorna con furore.

Paolo Ricci Bitti, capofamiglia.

Gaia, Olimpia, Nicolò

Valentina, Filippo, Olimpia

Especially this one: grandma out of control.

Just for the record, I’m the oldest and I rule them all.

Leonardo, 1 year and a half old.

Week 33

Surprisingly enough, ikono sent me to the European Culture Forum in Venice this weekend. 

Can’t complain. I hadn’t been to Venice in such a long time. The weather was great and for three days I felt as a turist in my own country. 

Still overexcited for my trip, I got sick as soon as I stepped down that plane in Schönefeld

Need to get better fast, Thursday is my Birthday and I need to be as right as rain.

Which one doesn’t belong?

Sad fact: I was actually planning to go to 2 concerts and had to give the tickets away. Sigh.