Week 11

It’s 9 am, riding the S-Banh, Happy as can be.

In the past 48 hours: Karneval der Kulturen, I danced like crazy inside a swimming pool at Stattbad, Bearpit karaoke at Mauerpark, I went to the Beach House concert . I actually had no ticket, I was desperate, so desperate I stood in front of the theater for 2 hours with a stupid “Ich suche Karten” written on the back of a postcard I originally wanted to send to my grandma when, at last, a guy came up to me and whispered he had an extra ticket, but as, the other many desperate people overheard and attacked us, he started showing signs of embarrassment and didn’t want to choose who to take inside anymore. At that point I dauntlessly won my place against a Thai girl flipping a coin (AH!) and (EPIC WIN) I didn’t pay a single euro because the mysterious guy was on a guest list. Still thrilled went to about blank, danced like there’s no tomorrow. And I lived happily ever after, with my glorious bike.

Never without you again.

Club der Visionare, I don’t understand you.