Week 49

I’ve (almost) managed to survive my first year in Berlin. I’ve started with a lousy internship, now I signed a one year contract, I work Monday – Friday, I have a regular wage coming in every second on the month, I have an health insurance, I like the people around me and (I guess consequently) I feel extremely peaceful.

However, I also feel sadness, fear, and uncertainty (at an unpredictable and mysterious pace, obviously). What is it? The fucking spleen? Is it happiness? Or is it boredom? Why is everything so silent inside me? I’m not sure. 

Featured events of the week:

1) Queen Margot. 

2) Sarah’s (slave) Geburtstag.

Sarah, Renée and Max. Great time. Great Taxi rides. Great food at 6 am.

More in details:

I can’t raise my glass (if there isn’t some Tiramisu inside it).

The Human Torch is a fictional character, a superhero that appears in comic books and…there.

I probably thought this was interesting when ich Pipi gemacht habe.

3) The Hoff was back in Berlin this weekend. Singing a capella and shouting “save the wall”.

I guess that’s it.

On the positive side, thank you Ukraine.

Week 48

Sweet week. Amazing cupcakes by Vanilla.

Welcome Malaika ♡ A very cool girl. 

Congratulations Goitsy and Frank!

“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies-‘God damn it, you’ve got to be kind”.

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut

Furry things at Künstlerhaus Bethanien. Cultural Sundays and skinned knees. 

Featured events of last Sunday: me and Marilena at Kater Holzig, funfunfun, dancedancedance, I go home, she goes to Mauer Park and buys a bike, she rides it, she falls in the tram rails: one of us! 

Week 47

I hate mornings. It keeps snowing and I refuse I refuse to leave the base camp. 

I didn’t take many pictures this week. Probably because nothing really interesting happened. Summing up: it’s still winter, I keep postponing things and then hate my-self for procrastinating so much, I still have to recover from last weekend.

It’s REALLY cold oustide. So today I felt like eating REAL winter food, like this pasta salsiccia e Sangiovese, which happens to be VERY traditional in my sweet home Romagna. Gnam.

Sooner rather than later, someone will have to explain me what’s happening up there. (My neighbours)

Now I want to eat: 

Il mio regno per una piada.