Week 34

I finally went to THE BIRD

Let me introduce you to: The Filthy Harry. 12 euros of delicious bacon and cheddar on 250 gr of premium German beef. Believe me, it’s worth it.  The restaurant is R.K. approved.

We came hungry, we left stuffed, happy and devoted.

Getting over the border. Weekend in the Netherlands.

Exploring. new. places. with. lots. of. plants. 


Fernsehturm moment. With its height of 368 meters, it is the tallest structure in Germany.

I swear I’m learning this, whatever it takes.

Week 33

Surprisingly enough, ikono sent me to the European Culture Forum in Venice this weekend. 

Can’t complain. I hadn’t been to Venice in such a long time. The weather was great and for three days I felt as a turist in my own country. 

Still overexcited for my trip, I got sick as soon as I stepped down that plane in Schönefeld

Need to get better fast, Thursday is my Birthday and I need to be as right as rain.

Which one doesn’t belong?

Sad fact: I was actually planning to go to 2 concerts and had to give the tickets away. Sigh.